Promote Strategic Routes and Destinations
EveryMundo Restart & Reacquire Best Practices
As airlines reopen their route networks, it is critical to promote key destinations to achieve load factor as early as possible. To motivate customers to convert, some airlines are coming up with creative ways to incentivize travel.
Two top examples of this are Frontier and United Airlines, who are using different tactics to promote their key destinations in their network.
1. Frontier: Let’s Fly Campaign
Frontier is using airTRFX Custom Pages to promote specific destinations and motivate travel by showcasing experiences from Frontier’s team members.
airTRFX Custom Pages are highly customizable, and Frontier’s “Let’s Fly” campaign includes embedded videos on the Custom Pages of Frontier employees travel experiences at Frontier destinations. These travel videos are also shared across Frontier’s social media channels. By doing this, Frontier’s marketing flows seamlessly with their social media strategy and drives traffic from social media channels to custom pages where visitors can find content that aligns with the rest of the travel messaging.
Each week Frontier highlights one new destination and promotes the lowest real-time fares from popular origins in the U.S. to that destination on their airTRFX pages.
By sharing the videos from Organic Posts on Facebook and Instagram, Frontier increases the reach of their campaign and creates a seamless experience for their users.
2. United: Weekly Deals
United’s approach to promoting strategic routes has been to create a Custom Page with a Custom Fare airModule that shares the lowest fares for routes United wants to promote.
This “Weekly Deals” promotion shares the best budget travel options to selected destinations each week. Travelers can easily find a great low fare on the Custom Page and instantly enter the booking engine to purchase their ticket.
United uses several Custom Fare airModules to target specific routes by region and budget. Users that visit the United Weekly Deals Custom Page are guaranteed to find the lowest real-time fares for destinations in all regions United serves.
As the airline industry enters the Restart Phase competitive pricing will be an essential part of attracting new customers and winning back previously loyal customers.
EveryMundo Restart & Reacquire Best Practices:
Understand Demand
Understand search demand for all routes to determine which routes are best to reopen, and when.
In this Playbook:
Utilize User Search Data
Forecast market demand from SEM
Promote Deals & Offers
Compete to acquire and reacquire customers with real-time, targeted fare promotions.
In this Playbook:
Run Cross-Channel Campaigns
Promote Future Travel Today
Sell Reopened Routes
Determine strategic routes to reopen, then acquire passengers with scalable marketing strategies.
In this Playbook:
Optimize SEM for Strategic Routes
Communicate Route Availability
Inform your Customers
Best practices to inform customers on and off your website.
In this Playbook:
Effectively communicate policies, restrictions and key info on and off your website at scale.
Reacquire Loyal Customers
Acquire new customers and reacquire loyal customers by advertising loyalty benefits.
In this Playbook:
Promote loyalty benefits
Display real-time miles fares
Focus SEO Efforts
Drive qualified traffic to your website with airline-specific SEO strategies.
In this Playbook:
Optimize organic search position
Maintain high SEO performance
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